
2022-09-08 10:21:02
摘要:  访索尔思光电名师出高品...



Source Photonics产品管理总监卢勇博士


访Source Photonics ---名师出高品Innovation Makes Excellence


Source Photonics在光模块领域的领先优势
State of the art technology on optical modules


卢勇博士先向我们简单介绍了Source Photonics(索尔思光电)总体情况,现在的Source Photonics是由原来的Luminent和Fiberxon两家在光器件领域各有优势的企业合并而来,现在看来这是一个很好合并,可以说线,两家企业不管在产品结构/研发能力/公司文化上互补性很强,真正实现强强整合,优势互补。Source Photonics是目前业界可以提供从CHIP、OSA(Tosa、Rosa、BOSA)、 Transceiver、以及PON子系统完整产品解决方案的主流光器件厂商。公司在业务层面的布局充分体现地域的优势和协同能力:CHIP研发主要在美国;OSA的研发/生产在台湾为主;TOSA/ROSA/BOSA及大部分产品研发/生产在成都;PON子系统的部分研发在深圳。公司总部在美国加利福尼亚州Chatsworth,运营主体则在中国成都,销售分支机构遍布全球主要区域。


Dr。 Zachary Lu gave an overview of Source Photonics, which merged from Luminent and Fiberxon in 2007。 Luminent and Fiberxon claimed different advantages in optical components。 The two were complementary to each other in terms of product portfolios, R D and corporate cultures。 Thus, the merger has created a substantial edge for Source Photonics。 Currently Source Photonics is a leading supplier of CHIP, OSA, (Tosa, Rosa, BOSA), Transceiver, and PON subsystems。 Their business compositions claim full geographical advantages。 Chips R D is located in US。 R D on OSA is mainly in Taiwan。 The manufacturing and R D on TOSA/ROSA /BOSA and the majority of other products are in Chengdu。 Part of R D on PON sub systems is situated in Shenzhen。 Corporate headquarters is based in Chatsworth, California。 The main body of operation is in Chengdu, China。 A global sales force is distributed in different regions around the world。


Strong work process management and cost control


在整个采访过程中,卢总提到最多的就是Source Photonics在业界超强的成本控制能力,他强调,目前设备厂商的器件采购也越来越倾向主流器件供应商集中采购,在这种形势下,一个很强的流程管理和成本控制能力是设备系统商考核其供应链是否稳定可靠的重要因素。Source Photonics在这方面的用功程度与其产品研发能力一样出色。


Dr。 Lu said that the most extraordinary thing about Source is its superb ability in cost control。 He emphasized that equipment vendors tend more and more to bulk purchase from leading suppliers of components。 Therefore a strong work process management and cost control constitute important criteria for selection by equipment vendors。 Source exerts as great an effort in this area as they do in R D。


第一:Source Photonics在供应链管理、生产管理、业务管理上大力采用最先进的技术优化流程管理。Source Photonics的供应链管理平台采用ORACLE ERP,研发管理采用先进的AGILE平台,管理的流程化、规范化极大的提升了内部效率。国际化的Source Photonics时常需要各地公司协同交流,通过HDTV高清视频会议系统平台,提升了各个区域工作的协同性和效率,并且有效控制了差旅费用。


First of all, Source adopts most up-to-date technology to optimize its process management in supply chain management, production management and business management。 Source has ORACLE ERP for supply chain management, AGILE for R D。 Efficiency has been greatly enhanced as a result of standardized management。 As a MNC, Source Photonics needs to communicate with its branches all over the world。 Therefore a HDTV videoconferencing system has been set up。 As a result, increased collaboration and efficiency have been achieved。 Travel expenses are notably decreased。


第二:Source Photonics将成本控制的精细度做到每个操作环节上。生产操作人员的操作规范都有明确的流程控制和实时的系统记录。通过自主开发的自动化生产测试系统和平台,保证了产品的可追溯和可管理性,由此实现生产成本的及时有效和控制。,


Secondly, cost control is monitored at every link。 Operation standards for operators are clearly defined and every move operators make is recorded in a dynamic way。 Source develops and manufactures its own testing equipment, which is very helpful in tracking product performance。 Thus, cost control is made highly efficient in an effective and timely manner。


第三:成本控制的基础和核心在于Source Photonics能自主研发和生产半导体激光器及接收器芯片,大部分光模块和子系统使用的光器件已经采用自研器件。大大降低了关键物料的供应成本和周期,并且显著提升的产品交付水平。


Further more, cost control relies vitally on innovation。 Source Photonics develops and manufactures its own chips for semiconductor lasers and receivers。 A majority of optical components for modules as well as sub systems are self-made。 This significantly cuts costs for key supplies It shortens the delivery cycle of supplies, resulting in an accelerated delivery process of Sourcersquo;s products。


第四:前面提到的合理的业务布局及规模生产,也大幅降低成本。比如Source Photonics把OSA的研发、封装放在台湾,就充分发挥台湾在半导体产品封装领域全球最高的性价比优势,也保证了核心器件的成品率、稳定性和一致性;另外Source Photonics把大部分模块的生产放到成都,从现在来看这种布局是十分有远见,对于Source Photonics整体成本优势的发挥十分必要。成都不但较于沿海城市有人力成本、土地成本的优势、更为重要的是成都有一大批优秀的通信类院校/研究所,及高素质的技术专科学校,对于做光通讯产品的Source Photonics从研究人员到技术工人、生产线普工的人才来源创造了很好的外部条件。


Last but not least, reasonable business layout and mass production add up to good cost control。 R D on OSA and OSA packaging is in Taiwan, where cost performance ratio in semiconductor packaging is the highest globally。 Therefore a high yield, reliability and uniformity are guaranteed。 The manufacturing of majority modules is carried out in Chengdu, where Source Photonics can have a cheaper costs in manpower and soil than in eastern coast cities。 There are a variety of universities and institutes and high quality technical schools and colleges in communications in Chengdu。 They serve as a talents pool to supply R D personnel, technical staff as well as staff on production lines。
