
2022-09-21 09:58:50
摘要:  新学期新气象作文(新学期的计划英语作文(帮忙翻译下))...

In the new semester, I am glong to have some new plans for myself. I will study harder for my weaker subjects and achieve better results. I will read more widely for books brings me knowledge. I will excercise more to help myself to become more fit. Last but not least, I will try to more self dependent. Fighting for the new semester !

! 新学期新气象。我已经为新学年做好了计划。我要努力学习, 拿到更好的成绩。

我要多读书开阔我的视野。同时, 我也会多多锻炼, 保持身体的健康。最后, 我要在新的学年里变得更加独立。加油吧!!